Fast Fibre Pre-Terminated Solutions
Optimised for direct installation into indoor trays or trunking in data centres

Lightweight for easier installation and reduced transportation cost
Minimal packaging i.e no pulling sock/eye to cut and remove
Available with 900μm or 2mm ruggedised staggered or fan-out tails
Made to measure to your requirements
Typically supplied on tight buffered fibre cable.
Cost effective improved project ROI
Fast installation
Minimal packaging to remove and dispose
Manufactured to industry standards
Cleaned and pre-tested before deployment
No specialist tools, training or consumables required on site.
Ideal Applications Indoor
Data centre, LAN or campus networks
Fast Installation into cable plastic or metal containment
Secure installation into patch panels or wall boxes with supplied cable that retains cable
Easy Installation into optical distribution frames.
Did you know?
You can choose fibre tails with staggered or fan out configurations

Fan out


There are two ways to specify the length of a Fast Fibre pre-Terminated assembly, please note that the gland to gland measurement is used by default, unless otherwise specified on your order.
Overall length of Preterm Gland to Gland
Overall length of Preterm Tip to Tip
LC, SC, FC, ST connectors options are available for you to choose from to create the Pre-Terminated solution you require. All Pre-Terminated solutions are manufactured to exacting international standards and quality processes.
Fast Facts for
Fast Fibre Pre-terminated Solutions
Fast and efficient installation
Lowest installed cost
Low weight and compact packaging
Supplied with installation guide and test certificate
Ideally suited to indoor data centre, LAN or campus networks
Typically manufactured using tight buffered fibre cable (other cable types available).
Technical Specification
Fibre Type Options OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4 and OS2 (G652D)
Cable Specification Options Tight Buffered, Loose Tube or Breakout cables are optional
Connectors Options LC, SC, St, FC (UPC)
Individual test results:
Standard average insertion loss: ≤ 0.375db
Standard average return loss: SM ≥ - 45db